How to visit this 0.16 Acre RV/Mobile Double Lot for Sale in Polk, TX?
To visit this 0.16 Acre RV/Mobile Double Lot for Sale in Polk, search 188-189 Lexington, Livingston, Texas, 77351 within Polk County on any navigation app. When you are near the land, search “30.72273, -95.05521“ on navigation app to locate one of the corners.
- Northwest Corner: 30.72299, -95.05539
- Southwest Corner: 30.72281, -95.05547
- Southeast Corner: 30.72273, -95.05521
- Northeast Corner: 30.72291, -95.05513
STEP 1: Google Map for navigation: Google Map Link
STEP 2: Corner and Boundaries: Google Map Link
(when you are near the land, click this link on your phone to open Google Map, the RED BOX shows the land boundary, the FLASHING BLUE DOT shows where you are standing)
Purchase Closing
- We provide the best Buyer Protection on your land title.
- Cash Buyer will receive a Warranty Deed.
- Seller Financed Buyer will receive a Warranty Deed Deed of Trust.
- No fees for Buyer if closing in-house. Buyer responsible for current year and subsequent year property taxes.
Land Description
Excellent 0.16 Acre Double Lot in Lake Livingston Village located on 188-189 Lexington. This lot comes with immediate access to city utilities ready for meter installation at the road including power, water, sewer, cable, fiber internet and trash service.
The lot size dimensions measure 70 ft of width in the front alongside the paved road frontage, and 90 ft in length. The total lot size is 6,650 sq ft and boundary markers and pins have been flagged. This space will fit any RV, Fifth Wheel, or standard sized Mobile / Manufactured Home.
Aqua America services the community with approximately 8 pump stations located throughout the neighborhood (1 pump station per section). Water & Sewer tap-in fees are approximately $750 & $650 (may be subject to change by utility company) for meter installations (not including any line extensions). Sam Houston Electric services the power with meter installations.
Lake Livingston Village offers several amenities including a pavilion, public parks, and a boat ramp launching onto Lake Livingston.
Light Restrictions: The property is situated in Section 4, which allows:
- Full-Time RV Living & Permanent Storage
- Full-Time Mobile Campers (travel trailers)
- Full-Time Portable Campers
- Full-Time Motor Homes
- Full-Time Mobile Homes
- Full-Time Tiny Homes
- Full-Time Container Homes
- Full-Time Barndominiums
- Year-round Camping
- Permanent residential living allowed via Mobile Home, RV or permanent structure.
- 600 sq ft minimums on permanent structures
- Mobile homes only need to 10 x 40 in size (photo approval required with the HOA).
Cheap HOA Fees. For $288 / Annual you get:
- Maintenance Crew that grades & trenches the roads & ditches
- Access to the Boat Ramp Directly on Lake Livingston!
- Access to Community Pavilion for Outdoor BBQs!
- Access to Community Basketball Court!
- Taxes are only $315.50 per year; HOA fees are $288 per year.
How to Reach the HOA:
A brand-new board of directors has been elected and they are working hard to bring serious improvement to the neighborhood in 2023. A budget of $200,000 has been announced for fixing the main roads throughout the community, followed by the secondary residential roads.
The board is eager to staff new committees focused on providing events and architectural control to the community. An online payment portal is in development for ease of paying annual membership dues. (website), Email to contact the HOA:
How to Reach the Architectural Review Team:
Please note that all proposed new construction or placement of any mobile home, RV, tiny home, travel trailer, fifth wheel, or similar dwelling types require review and approval by the Association Architectural Control Committee (aka “ACC”). You will need to submit an application with a drawing of your site plan along with a $50.00 fee to the ACC below:
LLV Improvement Association
1903 Vermont Street, Houston, TX 77019
A copy of the ACC Application along with the community deed restrictions and other governing documents can be found here: (link)
Utility Information
Power Utility: Call Sam Houston Electric Company at 800-458-0381 and provide the service address (188-189 Lexington, Livingston, TX 77351). They will update the account to establish the buyer as the new account holder and will transfer service accordingly.
Water & Sewer Utility: Aqua America handles Water and Sewer. Contact Ashely at 281-651-0174. The General Phone line is 877-987-2782. Provide the service address (188-189 Lexington, Livingston, TX 77351). They will update the account to establish the buyer as the new account holder and will transfer service accordingly.
Cable & Internet & Telephone: Call Lake Livingston Communications at 936-566-4242. Connection Fees are $55.00 for Internet Service Fee for installation with a Modem provided (You will need your own Wireless Router). Internet Speeds are available in a variety of packages up to 300 Mbps Down / 300 Mbps Up with Bundled Services for Cable, Internet, and Phone available & priced separately.
Trash Pickup: Call Piney Woods Sanitation at 409-386-6980 or visit (website) to establish a service. Piney Woods provides discounted rates for Lake Livingston Village residents for curbside trash collection. Bins provided by Piney Woods Sanitation.
Land Details
- Elegment ID: WIN_TX_Polk_LLV_Lexington
- Address: 188-189 Lexington, Livingston, Texas, 77351
- GPS: 30.72273, -95.05521
- Parcel Number: 41517/36264
- Size: 0.16 Acres
- Conveyance: Warranty Deed
- Annual Taxes: $315.50 / Year
- Annual HOA / PO: $288 / Year
- Restrictions: Light restrictions require 600 sq ft minimums on permanent structures; mobile homes only need to 10 x 40 in size
- Legal Description:
POA Building:
Neighborhood Entrance:
Tigerville Park Public Boat Launch:
Lake Livingston Village Owner’s Boat Launch: